Volunteer Opportunities

Current Volunteer Opportunities

Board of Directors

The Women’s Resource Centre (TWRC) provides programs, services, and counselling on issues affecting women and children, including family violence and sexual assault while encouraging respect, diversity and equality with a feminist perspective.

We are currently seeking applications from dedicated and community-minded women who are interested in serving on the TWRC Board of Directors. In particular, we are looking for skill sets such as human resources, legal, board governance, fundraising, advocacy and accounting. In return for your commitment to sharing your time and expertise, we give you the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of women and children in Brandon and Western Manitoba.

Responsibilities of the Board of Directors:

  • Commitment to the advancement of TWRC’s mission, vision, and values
  • Ensure that adequate funding is available for meeting the functions of TWRC
  • Review and development of organizational policies
  • Oversight of budget, financials, strategic planning, personnel, governance, and fund development
  • Act as an ambassador on behalf of the Women’s Resource Centre


  • Related education, experience, training, and/or a combination of the above
  • Exceptional interpersonal and conflict-resolution skills
  • Specific knowledge or interest in one or more of the following areas:
    • Non-profit sector dedicated to supporting community needs of women and families
    • Family violence and/or sexual assault service provision
    • Fundraising or grant writing
    • Human Resources
    • Finances/Accounting


  • 2-year term;
  • Attend 10 board meetings per year (fourth Wednesday of the month at 5:15 p.m.)
  • Join one working Board committee (e.g., Fundraising, Events & Membership; Governance; Advocacy & Cultural Safety) and Board development workshops (approximately four times per year).

Interested candidates are encouraged to submit a CV to director@thewomenscentrebrandon.com. We thank all candidates in advance for their interest.  Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Board Member Application Form