Women’s Wellness Program

**Note: Due to COVID-19, we are not currently running Wellness Programs. To be updated on future programs, please request to be added to our emailing list by contacting us using the information below.

Improve Health. Reduce Stress. Feel Better.

The Women’s Wellness Program consists of free workshops focused on women’s health. The programs aim to provide the women of Western Manitoba with the knowledge and skills that they need to implement long term good health. If you are interested in participating in any of our wellness programs or have questions, please contact us at (204)726-8632 ext. 101 or reception@thewomenscentrebrandon.com .

Some of the wellness programs that we offer include:

  • Yoga
  • Zumba
  • Kickboxing
  • Cooking Classes
  • Beading
  • Ribbon Skirt Making
  • Drum Making
  • Medicine Picking
  • Reiki
  • Crafternoons
  • Informational Workshops

Check out our events page for upcoming dates.

Our gratitude goes to our program sponsors: the Shoppers Drug Mart Tree of Life Program, Shoppers Drug Mart (Victoria Avenue East), Brandon Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation, and Healthy Together Now who have generously contributed their time and donations in support of this program.

treeoflifelogoRelated image

Healthy Together Now